In short: would certainly go again! Sally is sweet and very welcoming, and gives a fantastic massage! It was a wonderful, relaxing, and peaceful!
In length: Remedy Massage was my first time to receive a massage (outside of just my boyfriend giving me a back rub). So I cannot speak comparatively, however, for a first time massage it was very relaxing. The one room office is delightfully simple in its decoration with gorgeous wooden accents; soothing music and warm, soft lighting to boot. The session starts with confirming what kind of massage you’re looking for as well as any areas of focus, which I truly appreciated. Sally works with whatever comfort level suits you best, and was very receptive to feedback, so no need to hesitate asking for lighter or harder pressure. If you’re into essential oils, she’s happy to include that in your massage session. I loved the straightforward simplicity that Remedy Massage has to offer.